Lil Magic Portfolio
In this portfolio we will talk about all of the products we have made, the products we have said goodbye to and all the partnerships we have had so far.
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So Many Pages - Laura Diane Boookbox
September 2022
Custom Keychains for the book: Tussen Twee Vuren, from Laura Diane
Anderwereld - Christmas Bookbox
December 2022
Custom TBR-Jars for the Christmas Bookbox of 2022
Anderwereld - April Bookbox
April 2022
Custom Bookmarks for the April Bookbox, inspired by the newest Lotte van den Noort Novel: Unlikable
As well as "Annotating Bookmarks" for a second Bookbox

a look into what we make, why we make it and how we make it
it all started with these things, we made keychains for fun because we wanted them ourselves, and then they became a HUGE hit. Still our bestsellers
Started off with just a few for ourselves, but we saw there was more potential with these than any other product, so we started focussing more on the Bookish side of our shop, and well here we are.
Art Prints
a true way to express ourselves and sell our art, through cute prints. we try to stay on trend as much as we can, so that's why not everything we draw will make it here