About Us
Lil Magic Store was established in the heart of the covid-19 pandemic. We all had to stay home and why not make a business out of your hobby? We did exactly that! And now we welcome you to our website! Thank you for believing in us and supporting our dream since 2020!
Everything at Lil Magic Store is handmade and thoroughly checked before shipping out. It is our mission to create the best quality products we can make. We are a small business with a clear vision, SUPPORT small! Buy local, but enjoy the little things these small businesses offer!

The Owner
HI! I'm Mari, the owner, creator, manufacturer and marketing agent of Lil Magic Store - aka just the Business Owner. We launched the business back in 2020 and we've grown so much since, it's crazy how far we've gotten in 5 years now!
Since creating the business we've gone through loads of changes. Personally and business-wise. And it is a beautiful journey!
We, and by we I mean "me", Mari. Are extremely creative. It is definitely something that was passed on from my mother's side. My late grandfather was also an extremely creative soul and he has thought me a lot of my drawing skills that I have today. He always used to build us dollhouses and draw them for us to color in. He really had his own style and he really thaught me to create what I want to create and be proud of it. Took some years, but I grew proud of the work I create everyday and now it is my job. Something I'm so very grateful for!
And if you haven't guessed by what we sell, we're an extreme Book-nerd and Theatre-lover. In 2024 alone I've read 11 books and saw 55 shows in a theatre. That must say something about us, hah... No when we like something, we really like like it and we'll be passionate about it as well. We love going out to the theatre every once in a while, it's our perfect me-time-date!

The Brand
In the last 5 years we have been through a few changes. We totally rebranded at the end of 2021 into the business with the color scheme we have today. But take a look, this is what we looked like before the rebranding: not totally different but it didn't feel like "us". It wasn't creative or playful enough!

This is our current logo as you all may know, it's our pride and joy really! We love our little logo. We created it one day and I'd not want to change it for anything!
It's fun to see things change, because with change, there is growth. And that we did!
The brand may have changed but the heart of the business did not. We stayed a creative and playful business, creating merchandise for our favorite shows and movies in 2020 until 2022, we slowly started to move our direction towards Musicals and Books as well and that was a complete and instant HIT! People loved it more than what we did before and from 2022 onward we create more Books and Musical related content then we would Movies and Series.
We do create our own things and designs from time to time, which totally works at in-person events! Which we love to see, people are the sweetest when they find something they absolutely love!

As a Small Business owner and a member of the LGBTQ+ community we want to create a safe space for all of our community friends. You're welcome here, we love you and we absolutely support you!
We have created so many beautiful things and we don't plan to stop anytime soon, now that you know a little bit more about us and the brand, how about the products? Click the link below to be directed to our Portfolio and find all the info on our products and recent partnerships!
Or want to know where to meet us in person? Click the Events button to find out!